
NIGHTFIRE SupplierExpress for Loop

NightFire SupplierExpressÖ software for Loop (version 2.0) is a product that automates the traditionally manual ordering process between competitive and incumbent service providers. SupplierExpress for Loop is the only product available that includes complete ordering interfaces to the Operations Support Systems (OSSs) of all major U.S. Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) for local loops. SupplierExpress enables competitive carriers to easily communicate with multiple incumbent providers and expand to new geographic markets.

SupplierExpress simplifies the traditionally manual, error-prone process of CLEC and ILEC interaction. It reduces the error rate from 50-80% to as little as 10%, and reduces service turn-on time from 30 days to as few as 10 days.

Using SupplierExpress:
  • Simplifies the traditionally manual, error-prone process of CLEC and ILEC interaction
  • Increases revenues by making it easier to order services
  • Speeds expansion into new geographic markets
  • Substantially reduces operating costs and errors
  • Helps your OSS scale with your business through a flexible and scalable architecture
  • Improves customer satisfaction and retention by reducing service turn-on times and increasing order tracking effectiveness
SupplierExpress includes:
  • Productized interfaces to all major U.S. ILECs for address validation and ordering of unbundled local loops, including Pacific Bell, Ameritech, Bell Atlantic (North), Bell Atlantic (South), Bell South, Southwestern Bell, USWest, and GTE. Support for other U.S. and international carriers will be added in the future.
  • A uniform interface to all ILEC suppliers regardless of the interface standards or connectivity mechanisms they support. This provides you with the maximum available automation and insulates your service representatives from ILEC differences. NightFire keeps SupplierExpress current with all ILEC interface changes as they occur, relieving you of this burden.
  • The ability to add new service provider interfaces (SPIs) with no software reprogramming. Content components (interfaces to new providers) are created using graphical drag-and-drop tools and added to SupplierExpress dynamically.
  • An open API and Router based on XML over CORBA. The API/Router enables flow-through from order-entry and order management systems to the correct SPI. The API can be easily integrated with commercial or proprietary customer care, billing, and provisioning systems.
  • A web interface for order entry and tracking.
  • Guaranteed delivery of all messages exchanged between service provider systems.
  • Customized and standard reporting capabilities through Crystal Reports or other reporting tools.
  • A user-friendly interface to manage the SupplierExpress product components and infrastructure.

Regardless of protocol or messaging systems in use, SupplierExpress insulates other systems and personnel from the complexity of interface interaction.


The SupplierExpress demo is a step-by-step, interactive demo that gives you a detailed, technical overview of the software. The demo will walk you through a typical service ordering process between a CLEC and an ILEC, pointing out the key product features along the way. This demo is a downloadable executable file. (PC format, 847KB)

SupplierExpress is modular, extensible, and based on major standards including Java, XML, the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), and SQL (Oracle7 and Oracle8).

SupplierExpress is suitable for resale-oriented and facilities-based competitive carriers and incumbent carriers in the U.S. Product capabilities to address the needs of international carriers will be added in the future.

Server Sun SPARC Solaris, Windows NT 4.0
Client Operating Systems Sun SPARC Solaris, Windows NT 4.0
Databases Oracle7, Oracle8
Object Request Broker Inprise VisiBroker

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